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- What is Deck Railing?
- Railing Cost - how much does handrail cost per foot?
- Types of Railing - what are the different types of handrail?
- Cheapest Rail - what is best priced railing
- Cost Comparison - what is the difference in price between types of handrail?
- Best Value - What type of railing has the best value?
- Aluminum Rail Costs - How much does aluminum railing cost, compared to Composite, Vertical Cable and Horizontal Cable?
Let's see if we can help better understand the cost and value of deck railing systems!

Aluminum Railing

Aluminum Railing Collections
See top selling aluminum rail collections and compare products
Aluminum Rail Kits

Westbury Tuscany C10 Level 36 in. (36") Rail Kit

Westbury 2 in. Residential Post Kit

DekPro Prestige 38 in. Aluminum Rail Kit

DekPro Aluminum Base Mounted Post Kit

Westbury Tuscany C10 Stair 36 in. (36") Rail Kit

Westbury 2 in. Crossover Post Kit

Westbury 4 in. Post Kit (.125" wall)
Cable Railing
Cable railing has become the most popular and most sought after style of railing! The wire railing or cable railing is a great look for any application where a more transparent rail is desired, but exterior rated cable railing comes at a cost, and can easily be twice as expensive as Aluminum! Cable offers a minimally obstructed view and low-maintenance components made of 316 stainless steel, and powder coated aluminum posts and rails in two styles, Vertical Cable and Horizontal Cable. For 36" Rail, some options like Westbury C80 VertiCable, a vertical cable railing system, can offten be priced with options around $80-$100/lnft (material only). Elevation Rail by RDI is one of the best priced cable systems, and offeres a unique system and installation process, and can start as low as $100/foot. DesignRail by Feeney (which is a fully customizable railing of several top rail profiles, and color options) runs from $120/lnft to $150/lnft (material only,) and is considered the elite cable railing system. DesignRail Kits, on the other hand, is a collection by Feeney available in Black only, with series 150 Rail, a Horizontal Cable Railing at a lower cost than DesignRail. The huge advantage in this system are Kit Posts; which are pre-drilled to make the installation process as simple as can be! DesignRail Kits are available in two profiles, Classic and Modern
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